【基本信息】 | ||||
姓名 | 付源 | 学历学位 | 博士研究生 | |
职称 | 讲师 | 2466915394@qq.com | ||
讲授课程 |
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【个人简介】 | ||||
【学习及工作经历】 | ||||
1、2020.9—2023.6,吉林农业大学,食品科学与工程专业,工学博士。 2、2023.7—至今,滁州学院,生物与食品工程学院,专任教师。 | ||||
【研究成果】 | ||||
参与科研项目: 1、吉林省科技发展计划项目,YDZJ202203CGZH048,肉牛屠宰加工技术研发; 2、吉林省科技发展计划项目,20220202080NC,养生木耳系类休闲食品的研发; 3、吉林省科技发展计划项目,20210202066NC,水溶性灵芝孢子粉制备关键技术研究与产品开发; 4、吉林省公益性基本科研经费项目(吉财预【2020】0001号)和现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-18),柞蚕蛹蛋白活性肽新型发酵工艺研究; 5、吉林省科技发展计划项目,20170203011NY,替代硝酸盐护色乳酸菌的筛选及在肉制品加工中的应用; 6、吉林省科技发展计划项目,20140204010NY,发酵肉制品品质自主保持技术及产品开发的研究; 科研成果: 1、Yuan Fu, Chuanhao Liu, Xiaohui Yan, Guochuan Jiang, Qiao Dang, Liyan Wang , Xuejun Liu, Physicochemical and functional properties of the muscle protein fraction of Hypomesus olidus. Food Chemistry: X .16 (2022) 100484. 2、Yuan Fu , Liwen Wang , Liyan Wang , Guochuan Jiang , Xuejun Liu, Lili Ren.Anti-Diabetic Activity of Polysaccharides from Auricularia cornea var. Li. Foods. 2022, 11, 1464. 3、Yuan Fu, Dongbing Zhao, Liyan Wang, Guochuan Jiang, Xuejun Liu. A broad-spectrum novel bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus sakei in Nanjing Steamed Roast Duck: Purification, antimicrobial characteristics, and antibacterial mechanisms. Food Bioscience. 2022,50, 101995. 4、Yuan Fu, Xinhua Shi, Furui Li, Xiaohui Yan, Bozheng Li, Yuan Luo, Xuejun Liu, LiyanWang,Fermentation of mead using Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Lactobacillus paracasei: Strain growth, aroma components and antioxidant capacity. Food Bioscience. 2023, 52,102402. 5、Yuan Fu, Long Zhang, Mengdi Cong, Kang Wan, Guochuan Jiang, Siqi Dai, Liyan Wang, Xuejun Liu. Application of Auricularia cornea as a Pork Fat Replacement in Cooked Sausage. Coatings.2021, 11, 1432. 6、Yuan Fu, Xuejun Liu, Research progress of fermentation stater culture on fermented Sausages,Proceedings of the 2017 6th International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, EI. 7、Liyan Wang, Liang Lei, Kang Wan, Yuan Fu, He Wen Hu. Physicochemical properties and biological activity of active films based on corn peptide incorporated carboxymethyl chitosan. Coatings, 2021,11(5), 604.. 8、Guochuan Jiang, Lili Tian, Ruifeng Hu, Hongrui Sun, Yuan Fu, Wanchun Guo, Xuejun Liu. Effects of three treatments on protein structure and gel properties of Perccottus glenii myofibrillar protein. International Journal of Food Engineering 17.12(2021):989-998. 9、GuochuanJiang, HongruiSun, HongjiaoSun, YuanFu, XuefengLi, LiyanWang, XuejunLiu. Effects of γ-aminobutyric acid on freshness and processing properties of eggs during storage. Food Research International, 2022. 10、Yue Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Yuan Fu, Yawen Gao, Wanchun Guo, Ruifeng Hu and Xuejun Liu, Effects of Different pH on Properties of Heat-induced Auricularia auricula-judae polysaccharide-whey protein isolate Composite Gels, Food Structure, 2023. 11、Liang Lei, Kang Wan, Long Zhang, Mengdi Cong, Yao Wang, Yuan Fu, Liyan Wang, Lili Ren. Practical application effect of bionic design replicating from dry lotus leaves surface based on carboxymethyl chitosan incorporated black carrot powder on fried shrimp. Materialstoday Communications, 2022, 33, 104673. 12、付源,谭传欣,王萌萌,尹艴霖,李成,张煊,刘学军.响应面法优化防腐抗氧化自主保持发酵香肠的熟制工艺[J].肉类工业,2018(02):41-49. 13、宫田娇,付源,李冰,周影,王乐天,张世宇,杨淑芳.微生物发酵法脱除柞蚕蛹蛋白臭味和制备抗氧化肽的工艺研究[J].北方蚕业,2021,42(01):19-27. 14、刘艳霞,付源.苹果奶酪的工艺及成熟特性研究[J].中国乳品工业,2016,44(02):57-60. 15、赵冬兵,王丽媛,付源,王佳慧,谭传欣,王萌萌,刘学军.南京板鸭中产细菌素乳酸菌菌株的筛选鉴定及理化特性研究[J].肉类工业,2017(01):19-23. 16、杨闯,王俊玲,付源.果胶酶研究现状及在植物蛋白饲料工业中的应用[J].产业与科技论坛,2015,14(19):68. 专利: 1、杨淑芳,付源,张海东,孙继红,朴玉兰,宫田娇,周影,张春杨,郭鸿儒. 一种除臭菌剂及其应用[P]. 吉林省: CN112574908B。 参与教学项目: 1、吉林省教育厅,2018年度职业教育与成人教育教学改革研究研究项目,2018ZCY358,营养学在高职高专教学改革领域中的创新理论与实践研究; 2、吉林省高等教育学会,JGJX2018D339,基于“互联网+课堂”模式下的高等职业教育教学实践与研究。 | ||||
【获奖情况】 | ||||
1、2011年-2018年,国家奖学金,国家励志奖学金,吉林省省政府奖学金,优秀毕业生,优秀研究生等。 2、2022年,吉林省“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛铜奖。 |